Course overview
This Professional Scrum Master course is designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the Scrum framework and the role of the Scrum Master. The course covers the principles and practices of Scrum, and provides participants with the knowledge and skills they need to lead high-performing Scrum teams. This course is certified by

Who is this for?
This course is specifically targeted at Scrum Masters looking to enhance knowledge of the Scrum and how to effectively apply it in real life.
The lessons are also applicable to anyone in a role that supports a software development team’s efficiency, effectiveness and continual improvement. If you are responsible or interested in the successful use and/or roll-out of Scrum in a project, product or enterprise, this is likely to be a good fit.
What’s covered?
- Scrum basics – what it is, how it works, and why it’s set up in this way
- Making the most of the roles, events and artefacts of Scrum
- Getting work to done, and why that matters
- People and Teams
- The Scrum Master
- Facilitation skills for Scrum Masters
- Continuously improving while you do the above
Learning outcomes
- Ensure Scrum is understood and well-enacted
- Improved ability to think on your feet and enable high performing teams
- Understand the principles and practices of Scrum
- Deeply understand the role of the Scrum Master
- Facilitate Scrum events
- Coach and mentor Scrum teams
- Effectively supporting the Product Owner and organisation
- Measure and improve performance
- Use Scrum to increase your organisation’s capability
Complete this preparation course and you’ll receive a password to take the Professional Scrum Master I assessment (with a free resit within 14 days!). If you pass, you’ll receive the PSM I certification. For more information, visit
- Read the Scrum Guide – it’s free, and contains the key basic info to get you started and is only ~15 pages long (depending on the language you read it in)
- Practical experience working in a Scrum team is beneficial, but not a requirement and you’ll still learn from the experience either way
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